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HTML5 史矛革之战
W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)

WHATWG(Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group)
正在进行,却已经应用 现代浏览器必备技能


A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
W3C Proposed Recommendation 16 September 2014

It’s not one big thing!

It’s easy to get started

PNG image of standAlone.svg

Web Storage

Web Workers

Web Socket

Offline Application


The beautiful, open source front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.



HTML5 经历了10年的发展。 随着硬件的规格越来越高,网络越来越好。更富趣味和交互的web应用即将让现在的website成为过去式! 战斗即将开始!

By mpr0xy